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A slick of red lipstick is the timeless weapon of choice for the femme fatale, and with good reason. Scientists at Manchester University have used eye-tracking software to prove that men are hopelessly drawn to a bright red mouth. When shown photographs of a women for 10 seconds each, men spent 7.3 seconds looking at red lips compared to only 0.95 seconds on the eyes. Pink lipstick held the gaze for just 6.7 seconds.

And perhaps it’s because that flash of Chanel Rouge Allure is nothing less than a glimpse into a girl’s knickers. Naturalist Diane Ackerman, author of A Natural History of the Senses, summarises the leading anthropological theory on lipstick: “The lips remind us of the labia, because they flush red and swell when they’re aroused, which is the conscious or subconscious reason women have always made them look even redder with lipstick.” Courtesy: Sabotage Times